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The list "Exoplanets" has been viewed 4 times.
This list has 121 members.
  • TOI-6883 b
    TOI-6883 b Extrasolar planet like Jupiter around star like Sun. Discovery (Conzo & Moriconi, 2024) Confirmation (Sgro et al, 2024)
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    TOI-6883 b is a Jupiter-like extrasolar planet orbiting TOI-6883, a Sun-like star in the Delphinus constellation 307 light years (94.17 pc) from Earth.
  • WASP-178b exoplanet in the constellation Lupus
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    WASP-178b, also known as KELT-26b and HD 134004 b, is an ultra-hot Jupiter exoplanet discovered in 2019 orbiting WASP-178, a hot A-type star located about 1,350 light-years (410 parsecs) away in the constellation of Lupus. At over 1.8 times the radius of Jupiter, it is among the largest exoplanets. The planet is tidally locked, heating up one side of the planet to such a degree that silicate rock and metal evaporate. Supersonic winds blow constantly towards the dark, cooler nighttime side, where the vaporized minerals condense and fall as rain.
  • Kepler-93b extrasolar planet
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    Kepler-93b (KOI-69b) is a hot, dense transiting Super-Earth exoplanet located approximately 313 light-years (96 parsecs) away in the constellation of Lyra, orbiting the G-type star Kepler-93. Its discovery was announced in February 2014 by American astronomer Geoffrey Marcy and his team. In July 2014, its radius was determined with a mere 1.3% margin of error, the most precise measurement ever made for an exoplanet's radius at the time.
  • Habitable Exoplanet Imaging Mission Proposed space observatory to characterize exoplanets' atmospheres
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    rank #4 ·
    The Habitable Exoplanet Observatory (HabEx) is a space telescope concept that would be optimized to search for and image Earth-size habitable exoplanets in the habitable zones of their stars, where liquid water can exist. HabEx would aim to understand how common terrestrial worlds beyond the Solar System may be and determine the range of their characteristics. It would be an optical, UV and infrared telescope that would also use spectrographs to study planetary atmospheres and eclipse starlight with either an internal coronagraph or an external starshade.
  • Kepler-1704b Eccentric super-Jupiter orbiting Kepler-1704
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    rank #5 ·
    Kepler-1704b is a super-Jupiter on a highly eccentric orbit around the star Kepler-1704. It has a mass of 4.51 MJ. The planet's distance from its star varies from 0.16 to 3.9 AU. It is a failed hot Jupiter, been scattered from its birth orbit to orbit with periastron just above tidal circularization distance.
  • Kepler-737b Mini-Neptune exoplanet orbiting Kepler-737
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    rank #6 ·
    Kepler-737b is a super-Earth exoplanet 669 light years away. There is a chance it could be on the inner edge of the habitable zone.
  • L 98-59 b
    L 98-59 b Terrestrial planet orbiting L 98-59
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    L 98-59 b is an exoplanet having a size between that of the Earth and Mars, and a mass only half that of Venus. It orbits L 98-59, a red dwarf 35 light-years away in the constellation Volans. There are at least 3 (possibly 4) other planets in the system: L 98-59 c, d, e, and the unconfirmed L 98-59 f. Its discovery was announced on 27 June 2019 on the NASA website. It is the smallest planet discovered by TESS and the lowest-mass planet whose mass has been measured using radial velocities.
  • Kepler-1638
    Kepler-1638 G-type star in the constellation Cygnus
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    rank #8 ·
    Kepler-1638 is a G4V-type star located 4,973 light years away in the constellation of Cygnus. At least one exoplanet has been found orbiting the star: Kepler-1638b. This planet is a potentially habitable Super-Earth. As of January 2021, Kepler-1638 is the farthest star with a known potentially habitable exoplanet.
  • Kepler-1649c
    Kepler-1649c Earth-size exoplanet orbiting Kepler-1649
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    rank #9 ·
    Kepler-1649c is an Earth-sized exoplanet, likely rocky, orbiting within the habitable zone of the red dwarf star Kepler-1649, the outermost planet of the planetary system discovered by Kepler’s space telescope. It is located about 301 light-years (92 pc) away from Earth, in the constellation of Cygnus.
  • TOI 700 d
    TOI 700 d Goldilocks terrestrial planet orbiting TOI-700
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    rank #10 ·
    TOI 700 d is a near-Earth-sized exoplanet, likely rocky, orbiting within the habitable zone of the red dwarf TOI 700, the outermost planet within the system. It is located roughly 101.4 light-years (31.1 pc) away from Earth in the constellation of Dorado. The exoplanet is the first Earth-sized exoplanet in the habitable zone discovered by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).
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