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Exoplanets discovered by TESS

This list has 36 members. See also Exoplanets discovered by program
  • GJ 357 d
    GJ 357 d extrasolar planet
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    rank #1 · 1
    Gliese 357 d is an exoplanet, considered to be a "Super-Earth" within the circumstellar habitable zone of its parent star. The planet orbits Gliese 357, 31 light-years from the Solar System, The system is part of the Hydra constellation.
  • TOI-1431 b Exoplanet
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    rank #2 ·
    TOI-1431 b, also known as MASCARA-5b, is an Ultra-hot Jupiter exoplanet orbiting TOI-1431 in the constellation of Cepheus. It has an orbital period of 2.7 days. Its dayside temperature is 2,700 K (2,427 °C), making it hotter than 40% of stars in our galaxy. The nightside temperature is 2,600 K (2,300 °C).
  • TOI-561 b Ultra-short period exoplanet orbiting TOI-561
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    rank #3 ·
    TOI-561 b is an USP Super-Earth with a radius of roughly 1.4 Earths. It has an extremely short orbital period of under 11 hours, less than half of an Earth day, resulting in an equilibrium temperature of 2,480 ± 200 K (2,207 ± 200 °C; 4,004 ± 360 °F). The planet is believed to be far too small and irradiated to hold onto its primordial Hydrogen and Helium envelope. However, the composition of the planet varies greatly between the two studies. Weiss 2020 found a mass of around 3.2 Earths and a density of 5.5 grams per cubic centimetre, around the same as Earth and implying a rocky but iron-poor composition. Lacedelli 2020, on the other hand, found a mass of only 1.59 Earths and a density of 3.0 grams per cubic centimetre, abnormally low for a planet of its size and suggesting a composition made of 50% or more of water. Even their higher mass estimate of 1.83 Earths is consistent with a water world. With an insolation 5,100 times greater than Earth, TOI-561 b should have lost its gaseous layer and have little volatiles, so the authors believe if the planet has a significant amount of water, it has been evaporated into a puffy steam atmosphere that makes the planet seem larger, less dense, and more water-rich. If it is an extremely water-rich world, TOI-561 b would prove formation scenarios about Super-Earths forming beyond the "Snow Line" and migrating inwards.
  • K2-415b Earth-sized Exoplanet
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    rank #4 ·
    K2-415b is an Earth-sized exoplanet located 72 light-years from Earth orbiting the red dwarf star K2-415.
  • TOI-1333 b Topic
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    rank #5 ·
    TOI-1333 b is an exoplanet that has an orbital period of 4.7 days. It is located 654 light years away from Earth and was discovered by TESS in January 2021.
  • TOI-2180 b
    TOI-2180 b Jovian-sized exoplanet orbiting TOI-2180
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    rank #6 ·
    TOI-2180 b is a giant exoplanet orbiting the G-type star TOI-2180, also known as HD 238894. It was discovered with the help of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite and is currently the exoplanet with the longest orbital period TESS was able to uncover (as of September 2022). TOI-2180 b orbits its host star every 260.16 days.
  • Gliese 367 b Extrasolar planet orbiting the star Gliese 367
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    rank #7 ·
    Gliese 367 b, formally named Tahay, is an exoplanet orbiting the red dwarf star Gliese 367 (GJ 367), 31 light-years (9.5 parsecs) from Earth in the constellation of Vela. The exoplanet takes just 7.7 hours to orbit its star, one of the shortest orbits of any planet. Due to its close orbit, the exoplanet gets bombarded with radiation 500 times more than Earth receives from the Sun. Dayside temperatures on GJ 367b are around 1,500 °C (1,770 K; 2,730 °F).
  • TOI-1601 b Topic
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    rank #8 ·
    TOI-1601 b is an exoplanet that was discovered by TESS in January 2021. It has an orbital period of 5.3 days and is located 1098 light years away from Earth. It also has a mass similar to that of Jupiter.
  • TOI-1478 b Topic
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    rank #9 ·
    TOI-1478 b is an exoplanet that was discovered by TESS in January 2021. It has an orbital period of 10.2 days and is 499 light years away from Earth.
  • HIP 67522 b Exoplanet
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    rank #10 ·
    HIP 67522 b is a hot Jupiter exoplanet orbiting the G-type star HIP 67522, located approximately 415 light-years from Earth in the constellation Centaurus, discovered using the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). It is currently the youngest hot Jupiter discovered, at an age of only 17 million years; it is also one of the youngest transiting planets of any type, and one of only four others less than 100 million years old (along with AU Mic b, V1298 Tau c, DS Tuc Ab and TOI 942 b) to have its axial tilt measured, at degrees. This planet, in turn, may help in knowing how other hot Jupiters form.
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