White Bluffs is an American Viticultural Area (AVA) located about 10 miles (16 km) north of Tri-Cities on the plateaus overlooking the Columbia River. The area lies entirely within the established vast Columbia Valley appellation. White Bluffs AVA was recognized by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau {TTB), Treasury on July 19, 2021, after reviewing the petition submitted by Whitman College professor and geologist, Dr. Kevin Pogue, on behalf of local winemakers and vineyard owners, proposing to establish the viticultural area named "White Bluffs." Within its 93,738 acres (146 sq mi), the area has nine commercial vineyards cultivating approximately 1,127 acres (456 ha) and a single winery. The distinguishing features of White Bluffs are its topography, geology, soils, and climate.