And That on Monday Morning (German: Und das am Montagmorgen) is a 1959 West German comedy film directed by Luigi Comencini and starring O.W. Fischer, Ulla ...more »
Tired Theodore (German: Der müde Theodor) is a 1957 West German comedy film directed by Géza von Cziffra and starring Heinz Erhardt, Renate Ewert and Peter ...more »
Victor and Victoria (German: Viktor und Viktoria) is a 1957 German musical comedy film directed by Karl Anton and starring Johanna von Koczian, Georg ...more »
The Cousin from Nowhere (German: Der Vetter aus Dingsda) is a 1934 German operetta film directed by Georg Zoch and starring Lien Deyers, Lizzi Holzschuh ...more »