Sanjay Gupta and Rebecca Olson Gupta

Sanjay Gupta and Rebecca Olson Gupta (Couple)

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Date Married 15 May 2004
Relationship Type Married
Relationship Status Married
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Couple Notable Fact He wrote a poem to propose to her
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As a neurosurgeon and CNN senior medical correspondent who spent a month with the U.S. Navy in Iraq, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, 35, has been in plenty of trying situations. But his resolve was tested anew when he proposed to Rebecca Olson, 36. "I wrote her a poem and in the last line asked her to marry me," says Gupta. "Watching her read it, I was very nervous-it was over a page long." Adds Olson, a family law attorney, "He was down on one knee and asking me to marry him before I even got to the end!"


Given Name(s)
Date of Birth

Sage Ayla  Female
June 2005

Sky Anjahi  Female
January 2007

Soleil Asha  Female

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