

Aparecido 2 years ago

Hoje 31/05 é o aniversário de Meredith Hagner! Today 31/05 is the birthday of Meredith Hagner! Feliz Aniversário! Muita paz, saúde, realizações, sucesso e bênçãos! Abraços! Happy Birthday! Peace, health, achievements, success and blessings! Hugs! Eu te amo, Meredith Hagner! I love you, Meredith Hagner!

Aparecido over a year ago

Hoje 31/05 é o aniversário de Meredith Hagner! Today 31/05 is the birthday of Meredith Hagner! Feliz Aniversário! Muita paz, saúde, realizações, sucesso e bênçãos! Abraços! Happy Birthday! Peace, health, achievements, success and blessings! Hugs! Eu te amo, Meredith Hagner! I love you, Meredith Hagner!

larry_hagner over a year ago

She was born on Long Island,moved to Houston than to N.Carolina,thats a fact

ks over a year ago

How about this, she was born in upstate NY, moved to Houston, then as a kid moved to Chapel Hill, NC, and when she graduated from High School Moved to NYC following a year to Boston Conservatory.... how`s that for clearity?

syd over a year ago

she moved to new york, and grew up in north carolina!

Lauren over a year ago

She was my next door neighbor creep, not sure where she was born, but she grew up in TEXAS!

Jen over a year ago

wrong she wasn`t born in texas. she was actually born in new york

magg over a year ago

she was actually born in texas

DramaQueen300 over a year ago

She is a very talented actress.

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DramaQueen300 DramaQueen3.. 163 points
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