
Born to Die (Deluxe Version)

unknown album by Lana Del Rey
Born to Die (Deluxe Version)
Release Date 31 January 2012
Track Song Title Duration
1 Born to Die 4:46
2 Off to the Races 5:00
3 Blue Jeans 6:17
4 Video Games 4:58
5 Diet Mountain Dew 3:43
6 National Anthem 3:51
7 Dark Paradise 4:03
8 Radio 3:35
9 Carmen 4:09
10 Million Dollar Man 3:52
11 Summertime Sadness 4:26
12 This Is What Makes Us Girls 4:00
13 Without You 3:49
14 Lolita 3:40
15 Lucky Ones 3:45

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