

Studio album by Heart
Album Type Studio Album
Release Date 21 June 2010
19 April 1977
Year(s) Recorded Mushroom Studios, Vancouver, Canada, 1976
Mushroom Studios, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1976
Recording Location Sea-West Studios, Seattle, Washington, March 6–9, 1978,
The Aquarius Tavern, Seattle, 1975 (live tracks)
March 6–9, 1978
Album Length 38:31
Record Label Mushroom
Mushroom (Original)
Captol (Reissue)
Music Producer Mike Flicker
Music Genre(s) Hard rock
Music Genre Pop/Rock
Number of Tracks 8
Track Song Title Duration
1 Heartless 4:55
2 Devil Delight 5:06
3 Just The Wine 4:16
4 Without You 5:54
5 Magazine 7:27
6 Here Song 1:34
7 Mother Earth Blues 5:59
8 I've Got The Music In Me 6:17
Magazine is the second studio album by American rock band Heart. It was originally released on April 19, 1977, by Mushroom Records in unfinished form, without the band's permission. A second authorized version of the album was released on April 22, 1978. The album has been certified platinum in both the United States and Canada.


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