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Danielle Van De Kamp: Why can't we ever have normal soups? Like French Onion, or Navy Bean?
Bree Van De Kamp: Well, Danielle, your father is deathly allergic to onions, and I won't even dignify your *navy bean* suggestion with a response.

Carlos: Hey, Gabby, aren't we breast feeding?
Gabrielle: Oh, honey, if you could swing that one, more power to ya.

Edie: I don't trust friendly women.
Lynette: That's ok, they don't trust you either.

Gabrielle: Before we got married we made a deal, remember? No kids.
Carlos: Deals are meant to be renegotiated.
Gabrielle: We're not negotiating my uterus.

Paul Young: You know, Julie is a very special girl.
Zach Young: I know.
Paul Young: She could have just about any boy she wants... I think you're a wonderful kid, I do, but you're not that special, Zach, not really.

Betty Applewhite: In the future, leave the cleverness to me.

Karl: The heart wants what it wants!
Susan: Yeah, well, my heart wants to hurt you, but I'm able to control myself!

Betty Applewhite: Bree, us widows have to stick together.

Mr. Shaw: Sometimes evil drives a minivan.

George Williams: Well... I'll see you, Dr. Van De Kamp.
Rex: Please, you're dating my wife. Call me Rex.

George Williams: Where are you going Bree?
Bree: I'm taking my champagne and ageing eggs and I'm going.

(Bree has told Dr. Goldfine that she's going to ignore all her problems with Rex and stay with him)
Dr. Goldfine: Bree, how does this reconciliation have a chance if the two of you can't be honest about the innermost parts of your lives?
Bree: We're, um, WASPs, Dr. Goldfine. Not acknowledging the elephant in the room is what we do best.
Dr. Goldfine: You'd settle for that - a life filled with repression and denial?
Bree: And dinner parties. Don't forget the dinner parties.

Bree: (to Rex) Please don't mistake my anal retentiveness for actual affection.

Susan: Do you believe in evil, Edie?
Edie: Of course I believe in evil - I work in real estate.

Mary Alice: It's a rare man that understands the value of a perfect rose.

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