
Adrienne Armstrong (III) and Billie Joe Armstrong (Couple)

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Adrienne Armstrong (III) and Billie Joe Armstrong
Date Dating 1991
Date Married 2 July 1994
Relationship Type Married
Relationship Status Married
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(2 July 1994 - present) (2 children)

In 1990, Armstrong met Adrienne Nesser at one of Green Day's early performances in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They married on July 2, 1994, and the day after their wedding, Adrienne discovered she was pregnant. Their first child, Joseph Marciano Armstrong, who was born on February 28, 1995, plays drums in a Berkeley-based band named Emily's Army. Their second child, Jakob Danger Armstrong, was born on September 12, 1998. Billie Joe is the co-owner of Adeline Records, along with his wife.


Given Name(s)
Date of Birth

Joseph Marciano  Male

Jakob Danger  Male

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