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Social justice scholars

This list has 1 sub-list and 3 members. See also Scholars by field, Social justice
  • Faiza Shaheen
    Faiza Shaheen British political activist
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    Faiza Shaheen (born 1983) is a British economist and left-wing activist. She is the director of the Centre for Labour and Social Studies (Class) and a prospective parliamentary candidate for the Labour Party.
  • Donna Ruff
    Donna Ruff American visual artist, curator and educator
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    Donna Ruff is an American visual artist, curator and educator currently living and working in Miami, Florida. She works in mixed media on found printed matter, primarily newspaper headline pages and historical documents. Ruff questions how written and photographic narratives are constructed by removing and transforming printed text and image to recontextualize the portrayal of world events.
  • Bertha Holliday Community psychologist
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    Bertha Garrett Holliday is a community psychologist known for her expertise on ethnic minority issues. Her work has focused on processes of child and family socialization and the academic experiences and achievement of Black youth. Holliday was Senior Director of the Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs at the American Psychological Association (APA), where she led APA's efforts to increase scientific understanding of role of culture and ethnicity in human relationships and behavior. She retired from the Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs in 2010 after 16 years of service to the APA.
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