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Pro-European political parties in Bulgaria

This list has 3 sub-lists and 14 members. See also Political parties in Bulgaria, Pro-European political parties by country
GERB 1 L, 5 T
    GERB—SDS Political party in Bulgaria
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    rank #1 ·
    The GERB—SDS (Bulgarian: ГЕРБ-СДС) is a Bulgarian two-party political coalition headed by Boyko Borisov.
  • PP–DB
    PP–DB Political coalition in Bulgaria
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    rank #2 ·
    PP–DB (Bulgarian: ПП–ДБ) is an electoral coalition between We Continue the Change and Democratic Bulgaria in Bulgaria. The two groups merged prior to the 2023 election.
  • We Continue the Change Political party and electoral alliance in Bulgaria
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    rank #3 ·
    We Continue the Change (Bulgarian: Продължаваме промяната, Prodalzhavame promyanata; PP), sometimes translated as Change Continues, is an electoral alliance in Bulgaria led by Kiril Petkov and Asen Vasilev, the former caretaker Economy and Finance Ministers, respectively. It competed in the November 2021 Bulgarian National Assembly election, coming in first place with 67 seats. It was given the mandate to form a government on 13 December 2021, and formed a broad coalition between BSP for Bulgaria, There Is Such a People and Democratic Bulgaria.
  • Stand Up.BG! We are coming!
    Stand Up.BG! We are coming! Bulgarian political alliance
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    rank #4 ·
    Stand Up.BG! We are coming! (Bulgarian: Изправи се.БГ! Ние идваме!, Izpravi se.BG! Nie idvame!; IBG-NI), until 20 July 2021 known as Stand up! Mafia, Get Out! (Bulgarian: Изправи се! Мутри вън!, Izpravi se! Mutri van!; ISMV) was a coalition of political parties in Bulgaria established by leaders of Stand Up.BG and The Poisonous Trio (Otrovnoto trio), also including Movement 21 (D21), the Bulgaria for Citizens Movement (DBG), the United People's Party and the Agrarian People's Union (ZNS)
  • GERB
    GERB Conservative political party in Bulgaria
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    rank #5 ·
    GERB, an acronym for Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Граждани за европейско развитие на България, Grazhdani za evropeysko razvitie na Bŭlgaria), is a conservative populist political party which was the ruling party of Bulgaria during the periods between 2009–2013 and 2014–2021.
  • Democrats for a Strong Bulgaria
    Democrats for a Strong Bulgaria Bulgarian political party
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    rank #6 ·
    Democrats for a Strong Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Демократи за силна България, ДСБ, Demokrati za Silna Balgariya, DSB) is a political party in Bulgaria established by former Bulgarian Prime Minister Ivan Kostov (1997–2001).
  • Bulgarian Socialist Party
    Bulgarian Socialist Party Centre-left Bulgarian political party
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    rank #7 ·
    The Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), also known as The Centenarian, is a centre-left, social democratic political party in Bulgaria. The BSP is a member of the Socialist International, Party of European Socialists, and Progressive Alliance. Although founded in 1990 in its modern form, it traces its political heritage back to the founding of the BRSDP in 1891. It is also Bulgaria's largest party by membership numbers.
  • Volt Bulgaria
    Volt Bulgaria Bulgarian political party
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    rank #8 ·
    Volt Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Волт България, abbreviated Volt) is a social-liberal political party in Bulgaria. It is the Bulgarian branch of Volt Europa, a political movement that operates on a European level. It is currently part of the centrist electoral coalition We Continue the Change.
  • Republicans for Bulgaria
    Republicans for Bulgaria Political party in Bulgaria
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    rank #9 ·
    Republicans for Bulgaria (Bulgarian: Републиканци за България, Republikantsi za Balgariya) is a Bulgarian political party formed as a split from GERB by Tsvetan Tsvetanov, formerly the second most senior official in the ruling GERB party, after he was demoted from his positions by GERB leader and Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov. The party's abbreviation (RB) is an allusion to the defunct rightist Reformist Bloc coalition.
  • There Is Such a People
    There Is Such a People Bulgarian populist political party
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    rank #10 ·
    There Is Such a People (Bulgarian: Има такъв народ, ИТН, Ima takav narod, ITN) is a populist political party in Bulgaria established by Bulgarian singer, TV host and politician Slavi Trifonov. Self-described as a "political product", the party is named after one of Trifonov's own musical albums.
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