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People from Tikhvinsky Uyezd

This list has 1 member. See also People from Novgorod Governorate, Tikhvinsky Uyezd
  • Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
    Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov Russian composer (1844–1908)
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    rank #1 · 3 1
    Nikolai Andreyevich Rimsky-Korsakov (Russian: Никола́й Андре́евич Ри́мский-Ко́рсаков, Nikoláy Andréyevich Rimskiy-Kórsakov, 18 March 1844, Tikhvin – 21 June 1908, Lyubensk, Saint Petersburg Governorate) was a Russian composer, and a member of the group of composers known as The Five. He was a master of orchestration. His best-known orchestral compositions—Capriccio Espagnol, the Russian Easter Festival Overture, and the symphonic suite Scheherazade—are staples of the classical music repertoire, along with suites and excerpts from some of his 15 operas. Scheherazade is an example of his frequent use of fairy-tale and folk subjects.
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