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Paintings of Julius Caesar

The list "Paintings of Julius Caesar" has been viewed 7 times.
This list has 2 sub-lists and 6 members. See also Cultural depictions of Julius Caesar, Portraits of people, Paintings of men
  • The Death of Julius Caesar
    The Death of Julius Caesar Painting by Vincenzo Camuccini in the National Museum of Capodimonte, Naples
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    La mort de Cèsar or The Death of Julius Caesar is an 1806 painting by Vincenzo Camuccini depicting the assassination of Julius Caesar.
  • Caesar Placing Cleopatra Back on the Throne of Egypt
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    Caesar Placing Cleopatra Back on the Throne of Egypt is an oil on canvas painting by Pietro da Cortona. No documents survive to precisely date it, though current art historical consensus is that it was 1637 (or 1643 according to its JOCONDE entry). It was commissioned by Louis Phélypeaux, marquis de La Vrillière for his hôtel particulier in Paris - di Cortona also painted Faustulus Entrusting Romulus and Remus to Laarentia and Augustus and the Tiburtine Sibyl for him. The work was deposited in the Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon, where it was deposited in 1811.
  • The Death of Caesar
    The Death of Caesar Artwork by Jean-Léon Gérôme
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    The Death of Caesar (French: La Mort de César) is an 1867 painting by the French artist Jean-Léon Gérôme. It depicts the moment after the assassination of Julius Caesar, when the jubilant conspirators are walking away from Caesar's dead body at the Theatre of Pompey, on the Ides of March (March 15), 44 BC. The painting is kept at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Cleopatra and Caesar (painting)
    Cleopatra and Caesar (painting) Artwork by Jean-Léon Gérôme
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    Cleopatra and Caesar (French: Cléopâtre et César), also known as Cleopatra Before Caesar, is an oil-on-canvas painting by the French Academic artist Jean-Léon Gérôme, completed in 1866. The work was originally commissioned by the French courtesan La Païva, but she was unhappy with the finished painting and returned it to Gérôme. It was exhibited at the Salon of 1866 and the Royal Academy of Arts in 1871.
  • Triumphs of Caesar (Mantegna)
    Triumphs of Caesar (Mantegna) series of paintings by Andrea Mantegna
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    The Triumphs of Caesar are a series of nine large paintings created by the Italian Renaissance artist Andrea Mantegna between 1484 and 1492 for the Gonzaga Ducal Palace, Mantua. They depict a triumphal military parade celebrating the victory of Julius Caesar in the Gallic Wars. Acknowledged from the time of Mantegna as his greatest masterpiece, they remain the most complete pictorial representation of a Roman triumph ever attempted and together they form the world's largest metric area of Italian Renaissance paintings outside Italy.
  • Eleven Caesars
    Eleven Caesars Painting series by Titian
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    The Eleven Caesars was a series of eleven painted half-length portraits of Roman emperors made by Titian in 1536–1540 for Federico II, Duke of Mantua. They were among his best-known works, inspired by the Lives of the Caesars by Suetonius. Titian's paintings were originally housed in a new room inside the Palazzo Ducale di Mantova. Bernardino Campi added a twelfth portrait in 1562.
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