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Mass media in Tripura

The list "Mass media in Tripura" has been viewed 2 times.
This list has 4 sub-lists and 7 members. See also Tripura, Mass media in India by state or union territory
  • Manush Patrika
    Manush Patrika Indian newspaper
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    rank #1 ·
    Manush Patrika (Bengali: মানুষ পত্রিকা) is a Bengali daily newspaper published from Agartala, the capital of the Indian state Tripura. It was established in 1952 by late Kamala Ranjan Talapatra who served as the editor for over 50 years. As of 2021, his son, Priyabrata Talapatra is the editor. Its circulation is mainly limited to Tripura, and outside Agartala it is circulated in the cities of Bishalgar, Khowai, Udaipur, Dharmanagar, Kailasahar, Belonia and Teliamura.
  • DD Tripura Indian public television channel
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    rank #2 ·
    DD Tripura is a state owned TV channel telecasting from Doordarshan Kendra Agartala in Tripura.
  • Daily Desher Katha Daily News Paper in Agartala
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    rank #3 ·
    Daily Desher Katha (Bengali: ডেইলি দেশের কথা Ḍeili Desher Kôtha) is a Bengali daily newspaper published from Agartala.
  • Dainik Sambad
    Dainik Sambad Indian newspaper
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    rank #4 ·
    Dainik Sambad (Bengali: দৈনিক সংবাদ) is a Bengali daily newspaper published from Agartala, the capital of the Indian state of Tripura. It is one of the largest circulated dailies in the state. It is considered among the better Bengali language news papers of the North East.
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    rank #5 ·
    Syandan Patrika (Bengali: সন্দন) is an Indian Bengali language daily newspaper published from Tripura, India. It was founded and is currently managed by Subal Kumar Dey.
  • Kok Tripura Indian Kokborok language TV channel
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    rank #6 ·
    Kok Tripura is the first Kokborok Language news channel in Tripura (State in North-East region India)., being the first linguistic Channel of Tripura it also uses to engage in doing many social works. Kok Tripura is founded by Kamal Kalai. Kok Tripura motto To bring awareness in the people who are unknown about many happening facts in Tripura. According to Noxinfluencer Kok Tripura earn $551 - $1.47K est. Monthly.
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    rank #7 ·
    Channel Dinraat is a Bengali-language television station based at Melarmath in Agartala.
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