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This list has 4 sub-lists and 78 members. See also Ancient Romans by gens
Julii Caesares
Julii Caesares 2 L, 20 T
Herod Agrippa
Herod Agrippa 2 L, 10 T
  • Augustus Caesar
    Augustus Caesar First Roman emperor from 27 BC to AD 14
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    rank #1 · WDW 2 3
    Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus (born Gaius Octavius; 23 September 63 BC – 19 August AD 14), also known as Octavian (Latin: Octavianus), was the founder of the Roman Empire. He reigned as the first Roman emperor from 27 BC until his death in AD 14. The reign of Augustus initiated an imperial cult, as well as an era of imperial peace (the Pax Romana or Pax Augusta) in which the Roman world was largely free of armed conflict. The Principate system of government was established during his reign and lasted until the Crisis of the Third Century.
  • Gaio Giulio Cesare
    Gaio Giulio Cesare Roman general and dictator (100–44 BC)
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    rank #2 · WDW 6 1 6
    Gaius Julius Caesar (12 July 100 BC – 15 March 44 BC) was a Roman general and statesman. A member of the First Triumvirate, Caesar led the Roman armies in the Gallic Wars before defeating his political rival Pompey in a civil war, and subsequently became dictator from 49 BC until his assassination in 44 BC. He played a critical role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.
  • Maximinus Thrax
    Maximinus Thrax Roman emperor and soldier
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    rank #3 · 1
    Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus "Thrax" ("the Thracian"; c. – 238) was Roman emperor from 235 to 238.
  • Caligula
    Caligula Roman emperor from AD 37 to 41
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    rank #4 · WDW 1 3
    Caligula (Latin: Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus; 31 August 12 – 24 January 41 AD) was Roman emperor from 37 to 41 AD. The son of the popular Roman general Germanicus and Augustus's granddaughter Agrippina the Elder, Caligula was born into the first ruling family of the Roman Empire, conventionally known as the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Germanicus' uncle and adoptive father, Tiberius, succeeded Augustus as emperor of Rome in 14 AD.
  • Julius Caesar
    Julius Caesar English cricketer
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    rank #5 ·
    Julius Caesar (25 March 1830 – 6 March 1878) was an English cricketer who played in 194 first-class matches between 1849 and 1867.
  • Drusilla (sister of Caligula)
    Drusilla (sister of Caligula) Member of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty and sister of Emperor Caligula (AD 16–38)
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    rank #6 ·
    Julia Drusilla (Classical Latin: ) (16 September 16 AD – 10 June 38 AD) was a member of the Roman imperial family, the second daughter and fifth child of Germanicus and Agrippina the Elder to survive infancy. She had two sisters, Julia Livilla and the Empress Agrippina the Younger, and three brothers, Emperor Caligula, Nero Julius Caesar, and Drusus. She was a great-granddaughter of the Emperor Augustus, grand-niece of the Emperor Tiberius, niece of the Emperor Claudius, and aunt of the Emperor Nero.
  • Helena (Empress)
    Helena (Empress) Roman empress and saint (c. 246–c. 330)
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    rank #7 · WDW 7 2
    Helena, or Saint Helena (Greek: Ἁγία Ἑλένη, Hagía Helénē, Latin: Flavia Iulia Helena Augusta; c. 246/248 – c.), was an Empress of the Roman Empire, and mother of Emperor Saint Constantine the Great. Born outside of the noble classes, a Greek, possibly in the Greek city of Drepana, Bithynia in Asia Minor, she became the consort of the future Roman Emperor Constantius Chlorus and the mother of the future Emperor Saint Constantine the Great.
  • Tiberius
    Tiberius Roman emperor from AD 14 to 37
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    rank #8 · 1 1
    Tiberius ( ty-BEER-ee-əs; Latin: Tiberius Caesar Divi Augusti filius Augustus; 16 November 42 BC – 16 March 37 AD) was the second Roman emperor, reigning from 14 AD to 37 AD. He succeeded his stepfather, Augustus.
  • Tiberius Julius Sauromates II
    Tiberius Julius Sauromates II King of the Bosporan Kingdom from c.172 to c.210
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    rank #9 ·
    Tiberius Julius Sauromates II Philocaesar Philoromaios Eusebes, also known as Sauromates II (Greek: Τιβέριος Ἰούλιος Σαυρομάτης Β΄ Φιλόκαισαρ Φιλορώμαιος Eὐσεβής, Philocaesar Philoromaios Eusebes, the epithets meaning "friend of Caesar, friend of Rome, pious one," r. 173/174 - 210/211 AD), was a prince regnant and the Roman Client King of the Bosporan Kingdom.
  • Tiberius Julius Sauromates I King of the Bosporus from 93 to 123
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    rank #10 ·
    Tiberius Julius Sauromates I Philocaesar Philoromaios Eusebes, also known as Sauromates I (Greek: Τιβέριος Ιούλιος Σαυροματης Α' Φιλοκαισαρ Φιλορώμαίος Ευσεβής, Philocaesar Philoromaios Eusebes, means lover of Caesar, lover of Rome who is the Pius one, flourished the second half of the 1st century and the first half of the 2nd century AD, died 123) was a prince and Roman client king of the Bosporan Kingdom.
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