S · M

Heads of schools in England

This list has 46 sub-lists and 286 members. See also English schoolteachers, Schools in England, Heads of schools in the United Kingdom
  • Constance Spry
    Constance Spry British teacher
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    rank #1 · WDW
    Constance Spry OBE (née Fletcher, previously Marr; 5 December 1886 – 3 January 1960) was a British educator, florist and author in the mid-20th century.
  • Brian Sherratt British educator
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    rank #2 ·
    Brian Sherratt is a political science researcher with a particular interest in Whitehall bureaucracy and the role of the permanent secretary.
  • Jack Meyer (educator and cricketer)
    Jack Meyer (educator and cricketer) Educator and cricketer
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    rank #3 ·
    Rollo John Oliver Meyer (15 March 1905 – 9 March 1991), known generally as 'Jack', and at Millfield mainly as 'Boss', was an English educationalist who founded Millfield School (1935) and Millfield Preparatory School (1946) in Somerset; he was also an all-round sportsman who played cricket at first-class level in both England and in India. He died in Bristol on 9 March 1991.
  • Richard Mulcaster 16th-century English educator and politician
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    rank #4 ·
    Richard Mulcaster (ca. 1531, Carlisle, Cumberland – 15 April 1611, Essex) is known best for his headmasterships of Merchant Taylors' School and St Paul's School, both then in London, and for his pedagogic writings. He is often regarded as the founder of English language lexicography. He was also an Anglican priest.
  • W. P. C. Davies English rugby union player
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    rank #5 ·
    William Philip Cathcart Davies (6 August 1928 – 25 January 2018), played rugby union at centre for Evesham RUFC, Cheltenham RUFC, Cambridge University, Harlequins, England and the British Lions (South Africa 1955).
  • A. S. Neill
    A. S. Neill Scottish progressive school founder (1883–1973)
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    rank #6 ·
    Alexander Sutherland Neill (17 October 1883 – 23 September 1973) was a Scottish educator and author known for his school, Summerhill, and its philosophy of freedom from adult coercion and its community self-governance. Raised in Scotland, Neill taught at several schools before attending the University of Edinburgh in 1908–1912. He took two jobs in journalism before World War I, and taught at Gretna Green Village School in the first year of the war, writing his first book, A Dominie's Log (1915), as a diary of his life there as head teacher. He joined a Dresden school in 1921 and founded Summerhill on returning to England in 1924. Summerhill gained renown in the 1920s–1930s and then in the 1960s–1970s, due to progressive and counter-culture interest. Neill wrote 20 books. His top seller was the 1960 Summerhill, read widely in the free school movement in the 1960s onwards.
  • Margaret Gray British head teacher
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    rank #7 ·
    Margaret Gray (1913–2010) was a teacher and school head, most notably serving as head of the Godolphin and Latymer School from 1963 to 1973.
  • Julia Huxley
    Julia Huxley British biographer and writer
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    rank #8 ·
    Julia Huxley (née Arnold) (1862 – 1908) was a British scholar. She founded Prior's Field School for girls, in Godalming, Surrey in 1902. She came from and had an exceptional family.
  • Chris Saunders (headmaster) English cricketer and headmaster
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    rank #9 ·
    Christopher John Saunders (born 7 May 1940) is a former headmaster of Eastbourne College and Lancing College, and a first-class cricketer who played for Cambridge University and Oxford University.
  • David Booth (priest) British archdeacon
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    rank #10 ·
    David Herbert "Peter" Booth MBE (26 January 1907 – 24 March 1993) was the Archdeacon of Lewes from 1959 to 1971 and Headmaster of Shoreham Grammar School from 1972 to 1977.
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