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Head Masters of Rugby School

This list has 14 members. See also People from Rugby, Warwickshire, Rugby School, Heads of schools in England, Schoolteachers from Warwickshire
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  • William Wyamar Vaughan British educationist
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    William Wyamar Vaughan (25 February 1865 - 4 February 1938) was a British educationalist.
  • John Percival (bishop)
    John Percival (bishop) British bishop
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    John Percival (27 September 1834 – 3 December 1918) was the first Headmaster of Clifton College, where he made his reputation as a great educator. In his 17 years at Clifton numbers rose from 62 to 680. He accepted the Presidency of Trinity College, Oxford to recover from his years at Clifton. It was from Trinity that he went to Rugby to become Headmaster of Rugby School before becoming Bishop of Hereford.
  • Frederick Temple
    Frederick Temple Archbishop of Canterbury
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    rank #3 ·
    Frederick Temple (30 November 1821 – 23 December 1902) was an English academic, teacher, churchman, and Archbishop of Canterbury, from 1896 until his death.
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    Walter Hamilton (10 February 1908 – 1988) was the son of Walter George Hamilton, a tea trader in the City of London, and his wife, Caroline Mary Stiff, a schoolmistress. He attended university at Trinity College, Cambridge, where he was awarded a first-class BA degree in Classics. He won the Craven University Scholarship in 1927, Chancellor's Classical Medal in 1928 and Porson Prize in the same year. He was awarded a distinction in Part II of the Classical Tripos in 1929. He was a fellow of Trinity between 1931 and 1935. He was also an Assistant Lecturer at the University of Manchester from 1931-32. He was an Assistant Master at Eton from 1933 to 1946, and was Master in College there from 1937 to 1946. In 1946 he returned to Trinity College, serving as Fellow and Classical Lecturer until 1950, and as a tutor from 1947.
  • P. H. B. Lyon
    P. H. B. Lyon British writer
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    Percy Hugh Beverley Lyon MC (1893–1986) was a 20th-century British poet and educator, a winner of the Newdigate Prize and headmaster of Rugby School from 1931 to 1948.
  • Thomas Jex-Blake
    Thomas Jex-Blake clergyman
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    Thomas William Jex-Blake (26 Jan 1832 - 2 July 1915) was an Anglican priest and educationalist.
  • Albert David (bishop)
    Albert David (bishop) British bishop
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    Albert Augustus David (19 May 1867 – 24 December 1950) was an Anglican bishop and schoolmaster.
  • Henry Holyoake headmaster of Rugby school and cleric
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    Henry Holyoake (1657–1731) was a headmaster of Rugby School for more than forty years in the 17th and 18th centuries.
  • Herbert Armitage James
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    Herbert Armitage James, CH (3 August 1844 – 15 November 1931) was a Welsh cleric and headmaster of three leading public schools, who ended his "remarkable scholastic career", as it was later described by Austen Chamberlain, by becoming President of St John's College, Oxford. After an Oxford education and early teaching career at Marlborough College, he was headmaster of Rossall School from 1875 to 1886. It was said that he raised the school "to a pitch of all-round excellence which it had not known before". After suffering from health problems at Rossall, he served as Dean of St Asaph from 1886 to 1889. He returned to teaching in 1889, becoming headmaster of Cheltenham College and remaining in this post until 1895, despite being offered the position of headmaster of Clifton College. He then became headmaster of Rugby School and served there to great acclaim. His Rugby School nickname of "The Bodger" is still in use at the school. He left Rugby School in 1909 to become President of St John's College, Oxford, a position he held until his death 22 years later.
  • Arthur fforde Person
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    rank #10 ·
    Sir Arthur Frederic Brownlow fforde GBE (23 August 1900 – 26 June 1985) was an English solicitor, civil servant, headmaster, writer and businessman.
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