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Geography of Kiên Giang province

This list has 4 sub-lists and 2 members. See also Kiên Giang province, Geography of Vietnam by province
  • Phú Quốc National Park
    Phú Quốc National Park National park in Vietnam
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    rank #1 ·
    Phú Quốc National Park (Vietnamese: Vườn quốc gia Phú Quốc) is a national park on Phú Quốc Island, in the Kiên Giang Province of Vietnam's Mekong Delta Region. The park covers approximately 70% of the island. This park includes land and sea area, protecting oceanic species such as dugong. This park was established by the Decision 91/2001/QĐ-TTg dated 8 June 2001 signed by the Prime Minister of Vietnam on upgrading Northern Phú Quốc Islands Preservation Zone to Phu Quoc National Park.
  • U Minh Thượng National Park
    U Minh Thượng National Park National park in Vietnam
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    rank #2 ·
    U Minh Thượng National Park or National Park of Upper U Minh (Vietnamese language: Vườn quốc gia U Minh Thượng) is a national park in the province of Kiên Giang, Vietnam.
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