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Catalan legendary creatures

The list "Catalan legendary creatures" has been viewed 246 times.
This list has 12 members. See also Catalan mythology, Spanish legendary creatures
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  • Cocollona
    Cocollona folkloric creature from Girona
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    The Cocollona is a folkloric creature from Girona.
  • Puigmal (mythology) Mythological figure of Catalan culture
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    In Catalan mythology, a Puigmal is considered the protector of trees and animals, who defends against attacks on humans. He is said to inhabit the mountains overlooking the valley of Ribes (Ripollés).
  • Muladona
    Muladona female mule with a human woman's head
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    rank #3 ·
    In Catalan mythology, a Muladona or Donamula (mule-woman or woman-mule in Catalan) is a female mule with a human woman's head. Legend has it that a young woman was cursed by the townspeople for being irreverent and irreligious, and the curse turned her into a mule.
  • Marraco
    Marraco mythical animal; dragon in Catalan mythology
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    rank #4 ·
    The Marraco (Catalan: Lo Marraco) is a dragon or frightening creature in Catalan myth in the city of Lleida. It possessed a mouth wide enough to swallow a human whole according to tales told to frighten children.
  • Aloja (mythology) mythological feminine character
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    rank #5 ·
    In Catalan mythology an aloja (plural aloges), also known as dona d'aigua, goja or paitida, is a feminine being that lives in places with fresh water. These "water-women" are said to be able to turn into water blackbirds.
  • Dip (Catalan myth) evil demonic mythological dog that drinks people's blood
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    rank #6 ·
    In Catalan myth, Dip is an evil, black hellhound and emissary of the Devil, who sucks people's blood. Like other figures associated with demons in Catalan myth, he is lame in one leg. Dip is pictured on the escutcheon of Pratdip.
  • Nitus Topic
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    rank #7 ·
    In Catalan mythology, Nitus are small matter, impossible to describe by their smallness, which fall into a person's ear and go to the brain. They do not kill, but are said to feed like maggots on the memory and create tiredness and forgetfulness.
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    rank #8 ·
    The Banyoles monster is a legendary monster, possibly a dragon, from the Lake of Banyoles in Catalonia.
  • Minairó Topic
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    rank #9 ·
    A minairó (plural minairons), also called manairó, menairó, diablorí in Catalonia or zaingorriak in the Basque country, is a tiny mythological being that some people save enclosed within a needle tube in some villages of the Pyrenees. They have other names in the valleys.
  • La Guita Xica
    La Guita Xica legendary dragon of Catalonia
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    rank #10 ·
    La Guita Xica is a dragon that appears amongst the legends of Catalonia beginning in 1890. The dragon had many names, including Guita Boja, La Guita Xica, Mulaguita, La Mulassa, Mula Fera, and Mula Guita. Its name transformed over time, originally started as Mulassa, then Mulaguita, and finally Guita by the twentieth century. The name La Mulassa comes from an older term, mulassas, meaning 'monstrous mules,' which was used in Catalan mythology to refer to mule-dragon hybrids. La Guita Xica was originally considered a demon, but has become a protective spirit over the past century. It is also called a tarasca, which is a name for draconic creatures of Spanish and Latin American folklore.
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