Horror, Fantasy, Family, Drama, Comedy, Adventure
"The Worst Witch" series is based on the first four "Worst Witch" books by
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The Worst Witch is an ITV original television series, running from 1998 to 2001, about a group of young witches at an academy for magicians called Cackles Academy. The television series stars Georgina Sherrington and Felicity Jones, and is based on The Worst Witch series of books by Jill Murphy (published from 1974). It aired for a total of 40 episodes spread over three television series between 1998 and 2001, before being followed by its sequel Weirdsister College. Most episodes revolved around the academy, following the adventures of the worst witch ever, Mildred and her friends. The television series was later followed by The New Worst Witch, which ran for two series and chronicled the experiences of Mildred's younger cousin Hettie as she attended the school.