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1925 non-fiction books

This list has 35 members. See also 1925 books, Non-fiction books by year, 1920s non-fiction books
  • The Bolshevik Myth
    The Bolshevik Myth book by Alexander Berkman
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    The Bolshevik Myth (Diary 1920–1922) is a book by Alexander Berkman describing his experiences in RSFSR from 1920 to 1922, when he saw the aftermath of the October Revolution. Written in the form of a diary, The Bolshevik Myth describes how Berkman's initial enthusiasm for the revolution faded as he became disillusioned with the Bolsheviks and their suppression of all political dissent.
  • The Old Straight Track 1925 book by Alfred Watkins
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    The Old Straight Track: Its Mounds, Beacons, Moats, Sites and Mark Stones is a book by Alfred Watkins, first published in 1925, describing the existence of alleged ley lines in Great Britain.
  • Mein Kampf
    Mein Kampf Autobiographical manifesto by Adolf Hitler
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    Mein Kampf (lit. 'My Struggle') is a 1925 autobiographical manifesto by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The book outlines many of Hitler's political beliefs, his political ideology and future plans for Germany and the world. Volume 1 of Mein Kampf was published in 1925 and Volume 2 in 1926. The book was edited first by Emil Maurice, then by Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess.
  • La raza cósmica
    La raza cósmica Non-fiction book by Jose Vasconcelos
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    La raza cósmica (The Cosmic Race) is a Spanish-language book written and published in 1925 by Mexican philosopher, secretary of education, and 1929 presidential candidate José Vasconcelos to express the ideology of a future "fifth race" in the Americas; an agglomeration of all the races in the world with no respect to color or number to erect a new civilization: Universópolis.
  • Leninism: Introduction to the Study of Leninism
    Leninism: Introduction to the Study of Leninism Educational Book Written By Grigory Zinonev
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    Leninism: Introduction to the Study of Leninism (Russian:Leninizm: Vvedenie v izuchenie Leninizma) is a 1925 work by Soviet politician Grigory Zinoviev. Leninism would be translated into English by The Communist Party of England as "Bolshevism or Trotskyism: Where the Line of Trotskyism is Leading" as part of The Errors of Trotskyism in May 1925. The work represents a primary document to the ideological tensions that were building within the Politburo, Central Committee, and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
  • Four Centuries of Modern Iraq
    Four Centuries of Modern Iraq book by Stephen Hemsley Longrigg
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    Four Centuries of Modern Iraq is a historic book authored by Stephen Hemsley Longrigg published first time in United Kingdom on 1925. It covers events in Iraq between early 16th century to early 20th century when Iraq was a neglected part of the Ottoman Empire. Few books have been written about Iraq in that period. The author uses oriental sources, the books of Iraqi historians and the experience of his long residence in Iraq to discuss the country’s turbulent history. The author concludes that Iraq had made little progress during the last four centuries and it still lacked the ability and resources to be independent and self-govern.
  • Sociology of Revolution (book)
    Sociology of Revolution (book) book About The Revolutions by Russian American sociologist Pitirim Sorokin
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    Sociology of Revolution is a 1925 book by Russian American sociologist Pitirim Sorokin. The book was conceived by Sorokin during the Russian Civil War from 1917–1922. Sorokin wrote the book while in Czechoslovakia, after being banished from Russia. It reflected a contemporary trend in social science scholarship to present history as a form of natural science, with particular laws, patterns, and themes. Sorokin presented a "cyclical theory of civilizational change" through Sociology of Revolution. The book was published in the United States in 1925. The book was well received for the insights it provided about the events of the Russian Revolution.
  • The Mentality of Apes
    The Mentality of Apes book by Wolfgang Köhler
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    Intelligenzprüfungen an Menschenaffen (literally translated: Intelligence tests on great apes) is a book by Wolfgang Köhler published in 1921. The English version called "The Mentality of Apes", translated by Ella Winter, was published in 1925.
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    The Prince of Wales and Other Famous Americans is a 1925 book by Miguel Covarrubias, a Mexican cartoonist. It is a collection of 66 black-and-white caricatures of famous American (mostly New York-based) personalities from the 1920s. The future Edward VIII, alluded to in the title, appears as the frontispiece at a race track; he had made a widely publicized visit to the United States in 1924. Many of the drawings were originally published in Vanity Fair magazine, which employed Covarrubias as a staff cartoonist.
  • Pedagogical Sketchbook book by Paul Klee
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    Pedagogical Sketchbook is a book by Paul Klee. It is based on his extensive lectures on visual form at Bauhaus Staatliche Art School where he was a teacher in between 1921-1931. Originally handwritten – as a pile of working notes he used in his lectures – it was eventually edited by Walter Gropius, designed by László Moholy-Nagy and published in as a Bauhaus student manual (Bauhausbucher No.2, as the second in the series of the fourteen Bauhaus books) under the original title: Pädagogisches Skizzenbuch. It was translated into English by Sibyl Moholy-Nagy (in 1953), who also wrote an introduction for it.
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